Storebror ser mig ?
Hur kan detta stämma så in i minsta detalg - har de kartlagt mig ?
Your Life Path Number is 4 |
Your purpose in life is to build your vision. You are practical and responsible. You work hard, knowing that there are no shortcuts in life. You work for a better life for yourself and those you love, but you are not an idealist. Trustworthy and honest, you also demonstrate great courage. People can count on you. In love, you are a loyal and committed partner. You are the ideal spouse. You don't give up easily, and sometimes you can be too stubborn and unwilling to change. You also can be too conservative at times. You sometime miss out on good opportunities. Also remember that not everyone can work as hard as you, as disappointing as that is! |
Det sjuka var att det stämde på en annan person också...
Andra tester:
- jag borde lära mig kinesiska
- jag är 60% maskulin 40 % feminin och går ihop med de flesta
- jag klarade 8/8 på vetenskapstestet
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